Tuesday, 23 July 2019

How to install social media Icons on your Blogger sidebar

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels
To install social media icons to your Blogger sidebar, you can follow the process below:
  • Have your social media icons ready for use► Create your social media icons or download free creative commons ones from the web on your laptop.
  • Host your social media icons on your blog►Create a new post on the blog you want to add the social icons to. You will just have to save the post and not publish it. Switch to 'HTML' and click on the image icon to upload your social media icons. Select the images and add them to your post. Swich to 'Compose', click on each image and link it to your corresponding personal sites. Tip: Always keep 'Open in a new window' clicked so that your readers can easily get back to your blog. Swich to 'HTML' and adjust the width and height of your icons if necessary. When ready, copy all the 'HTML' code.
  • Go to Layout ► Find the gadgets on your sidebar, click on 'Add' a gadget. Choose the HTML/JavaScript gadget and click on the + button to add it. Paste the copied 'HTML' code inside the Content box. Provide a title if you wish to. Click on 'Save' and 'Save arrangement'. 
  • Click on 'View blog' to see the result! 

Monday, 22 July 2019

Travelling brochure template

Make a copy of the following tri-fold travelling brochure template and share it with your students to let them write about their favorite holiday destinations. The students enjoy adding pictures by searching on the web via 'Insert' and then 'image' - 'search the web'. They also enhance their writing skills by typing in their text after searching for information about the place of their interest. The final product can be printed and folded similarly to a real brochure.  

Use this LINK to make your own copy.

Drag and drop the summer words below the right picture.

Here's a drag-and-drop activity to enhance your students' vocabulary related to summer.
Cick HERE to make your own copy for your students.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Summer activity

Get your students complete the following summer worksheet using their imagination. Click on the image below to get a printable pdf version of the 1st and 2nd pages of the summer worksheet.
Click on the image below to get a printable pdf of the 3rd and 4th pages of the summer worksheet. Print on the back side of pages 1 and 2 and fold in half.

'Homemade Ice Cream' Video activity

Ice cream is usually kids' favorite dessert! Get your students engaged with a short activity which includes a recipe on how to make homemade ice cream..
Here's a free resource for EFL, ESL pre-intermediate level pupils.

☺ Click HERE to make a copy to use with your students.

P.S. Learn how to create your own quizzes with google forms and embedded videos by watching Russell Stannard's tutorial

Sunday, 7 July 2019


This year ISTE was held in Philadelphia, June 23-26, 2019. The fact that G+ community, which hosted the NotAtISTE  'family' till last year, recently shut down along with the fact I felt burned out at the end of the school year made me unwilling to participate at the beginning. However, since I'm really addicted to twitter, which I consider a powerful source of Professional Development, I came across lots of tweets about ISTE19. I couldn't, therefore, resist the temptation to get some sneek peeks and eventually delve into the NotAtISTE experience. A well-organized site https://notatiste.weebly.com/ was created by J.Wagner in order to facilitate NotAtISTE participants for 2019 and offer them a taste of the conference in Philadelphia. A pretty important gem for me was the livebinder https://www.livebinders.com/b/2561096 by P. George and S. Highley with tons of great links to awesome ISTE19 resources.
While on twitter, I attended and enjoyed lots of videos of various ISTE events and talks periscoped by Valerie Lewis and Brian Romero Smith. I frequently retweeted what stuck with me with the #NotAtISTE hashtag.

My involvement in the NotAtISTE19 experience also brought me an unexpected present. I was lucky enough to win a door prize from NotAtISTE19. My prize was a yearly free premium account for Glogster, a cool tool for creating multimedia posters.

Back in 2013 I used Glogster with my 4th graders and I was impressed with its wealth of features. My pupils got really engaged in the interactive lesson. Here's the link to my Endangered Species Glog https://edu.glogster.com/glog/endangered-species-by-d3/24n6uhactuo. This year I aim to subscribe my students, since I got the premium account, and let them create their own multimedia posters!

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Google Sites

Google Sites is an awesome tool to create a web site. You can access google sites with a free Google account for personal use.
Watch this Google Sites tutorial for beginners by Jeffrey Bradbury.
Click HERE to view the Google Site I created during my participation in Shelly Terrell's, J.K Duncan's & F. Casella's amazing MOOC 'The Goal-Minded Teacher'. I used the site as a digital professional learning portfolio where I posted replies, curated interesting content and gathered reflections on each week of the course.
As google sites do not include a comment feature, to engage my audience I used Disqus I learned about from Don Yerks

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Embedding Google Slides in an eTwinning page

On twinspace
To embed your google slide presentation on a twinspace page, click on the edit button (the pencil icon) and click on the iframe icon (globe).
On Google Drive
You need to have published your google presentation to the web by clicking on File. Click on ‘embed’ to get the code. Copy from https till embed?, like in the example below, and paste it in the iframe section on the twinspace page:

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vT9KjiTYs_dx39C1DTuSpkCFRSbNsuR8KlmQI7v-HPqjN4Lb4bDCgcbES1iQQqkFgrBc8-IA3ApnvOc/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="1122" height="823" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Back on twinspace
Make the necessary adjustments to fit the size to your post (For example →Width: 550, height: 420)
When you finish, click on submit

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Creating a comic strip

You can create a comic strip at http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/games/comic-strip-maker.
Click on START, provide a title, type in your name. Edit each of the six frames provided for you by adding backgrounds, characters, word balloons, objects and text. You can edit these features by increasing or decreasing their size, moving them around and so on. When you finish your comic strip you can download it, print it or send it to a frienf via email. There's no need to register. It's ideal for kids to practise writing in a fun way. (You need to enable flash.)
Here's a finished comic strip:

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2019 full of health, inspiration and lots of creativity!

Let's hope all of us blossom like beautiful flowers!!!