Thursday, 7 May 2020


The last activity of my etwinning seminar (etwinning3_19_20) on website creation and communication & collaborative web tools required me to create a webquest at

A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson plan in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. A webquest consists of the Introduction, the task, the process, the resources, the evaluation, the conclusion and the Teacher's Page.

The title of my webquest is 'Save Endangered Animals' and here's the link to it:

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Creating a poster

One of the many benefits I got after participating in Tony Vincent's Classy Graphics course is that I can create my own posters using my favourite tool, i.e. google drawings. Below you can see a poster I've recently created to share with my students in our distance-learning virtual class.

You can make a copy HERE.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Choice Boards

One of my favourite topics has recently been choice boards for students. I've recently created a choice board for my EFL learners to visit during their Easter holiday. The students are invited to choose any three of the activities suggested on the board.  You can make a copy HERE.

👉You can get more ideas about Choice Boards in Shelly Terrell's blog post HERE.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Digital posters

A cool tool to use in order to make digital posters is Glogster. The premium account I've had for this year (2109-20) allows me to create projects and assign them to my students. Here's a Glog I've recently updated and assigned to two of my EFL classes ( :

Sunday, 9 February 2020


I've been a bit addicted to Scratch after my second MOOC on Scratch.
Besides my participation in several tasks of this year's MOOC on scratch, I love spending time on experimenting with it! So today I've created this project just for fun: